White Suffolks

We are now phasing out our White Suffolk flock and changing to SheepMaster which is a fully shedding breed of sheep, faster growing and earlier maturing than the White Suffolk with the muscling and eating qualities of a White Suffolk. The main advantage over the White suffolk in this current time is that it does not need to be shorn.

Our aim with the SheepMaster breed is to eventually breed a completely shedding sheep with all the attributes of the White Suffolk sheep. In 2023 we mated all our White Suffolk ewes to SheepMaster and the progeny are very exciting. Ram lambs from this cross would suit anybody looking to mate their ewes with a terminal sire.

Please contact John Dalla on 0419 826 228 if you are interested in an inspection of these animals. They exhibit all the attributes that you have come to appreciate in an Orrie Cowie White Suffolk


The stud prefix was transferrred to Orrie Cowie in 2018, from Redwood.

The Redwood genetics have been widely selected and developed with you in mind.

Good doing ability and fast growth rates: these have been a prime aim and simply means more lambs off the top in the first draft making you more money.

Bare head and bare belly:  bred this way on purpose, leaving the lamb more easy care and better doing with less supplement. And even better the points are white and the wool combs easier for you.

More meat where it counts: selection for high growth rates in the high value meat cuts is where it really counts in your pocket.


Orrie Cowie White Suffoks purchased "Premier" in 2019 from the Royal Adelaide Show in partnership with Ramsay Park White Suffolks. Look out for his progeny at our on-property sale on the 12th August 2020.